Andrew Russell
Andrew Russell is an expert in peacebuilding and organizational change, with close to three decades of experience in the United Nations. He brings in-depth knowledge of UN programme and operations both at Headquarters and in the field. Mr. Russell has worked in several Latin American countries, Cyprus and, most recently, in Kosovo, where he served as UN Development Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative.
Gunther Fehlinger
Gunther Fehlinger, 50 from Linz Austria is serving as SG of CEE BC the voice of Buisness in Central Europe and Central Asia.Gunther worked as development and investment consultant in Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova and Ukraine. Gunther serves as President of Europeans for Tax Reform and is an advocate of EU, NATO , CEFTA, Euro, Customs Union enlargement to include Free Eastern Europe.

Ferdinand Alimadhi
Ferdi Alimadhi is a technology executive and academic with extensive experience in Software Engineering, Leadership, Product Development, and Higher Education.He is currently working as Director of Engineering at Open Learning , Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he has built a world class team working on redefining the use of technology in advancing the science of teaching and learning at MIT and beyond. Prior to joining MIT , Ferdi spent 10 years at Harvard University as Lead Application Architect where he created and led the OpenScholar project, used today by many universities around the world.

Ronit Avni
Ronit Avni is the founder and CEO of Localized, a technology company that provides aspiring professionals in emerging markets with pathways to employment and career guidance from global professionals in the fields of the future who share language, culture and roots.
Lauri Tabur
Lauri Tabur is a change management expert and former Rector of Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, the university of applied sciences preparing staff for most of Estonian government agencies wearing uniforms.
About us
Mentoring our Future (MoF) is a mentoring program for Kosovan students at the University of Prishtina. The main aim of this program is to facilitate the transfer of professional knowledge and experience between established professionals and Kosovar students who are interested in developing their career in a respective field. This program will serve as a meeting point of these professionals and as an exchanging space of their professional experience, therefore this networking will be an address where the community will communicate and benefit in different areas.